Chronicles of a Cheerful Clotter

When I tell people I’m looking forward to working with a group of teenagers, they usually groan and give me...
13 took me to the movies to see The Great Gatsby so I would get out of the house for...
Life is a weird rollercoaster. I was accepted into a graduate school writing program I’ve wanted to attend for years...
As a writer, I find it helpful to read a lot of online blogs. I have a folder full of...
New York City is a beautiful beast of a city. The introvert in me expects to hate the constant chaos...
Quarter-century life snuck up on me. It feels like I was just in high school wearing some weird outfit. Back...
This is part 2 of a two-part series. Check out part 1: Exam Blue Books Full of Glitter Pen. I...
This is part 1 of a two-part series. Check out part 2: College Kids Think I’m Old Already, but I...
Life keeps me on my toes. At times, it feels like a perpetual game of dodge ball. It’s as if...
At the first NYLI session I attended a few years ago, we discussed personality types as we tried to create...
Some people are very good at dating. They’re good at meeting people, and they know how to flirt and make...
I don’t dislike babies. I don’t gush over tiny baby outfits, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never had that “ticking...
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