Kids Who Volunteer Make a Difference

Kids Who Volunteer Make a Difference

There are lots of ways to help your community
Author: Amy Lynn Smith

Volunteering and helping other people makes you feel good about yourself. No matter how old you are or what type of bleeding disorder you have, you can make a difference.

If you want to volunteer, begin by asking yourself some questions: Do I want to help kids or older folks? Do I want to help raise money for a good cause, like a hemophilia walk? Could I help at an animal shelter or pet rescue? Next, talk with your family about what’s available in your community.

Search online for groups that can help you find the right fit for volunteering. GenerationOn helps organize local Kids Care Clubs for elementary and middle school children. Clubs are formed at schools, houses of worship and other community-based organizations. Learn more at: Visit a local school, pet shelter or nursing home to see what kind of help they need. There are lots of ways to get involved in your community. Just find a cause that means something to you and get started.

10 to Try

Here are some other ideas for volunteering:

  1. Read books to people who are visually impaired through a community organization.
  2. Make care packages for the homeless.
  3. Help adults pack donations of clothes, books and toys.
  4. Present a talent show with your friends at a local nursing home.
  5. Offer to do yard work for a neighbor.
  6. Run a lemonade stand and donate your earnings to a charity.
  7. Pitch in to clean up a local park or beach.
  8. Organize a penny drive with your friends and neighbors. Donate the money to a local charity.
  9. Make handmade cards to send to people in a nursing home or soldiers serving far away. Your cheery surprise could make someone’s day.
  10. Start a club at your school to help stop bullying.